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Weaving willow Bird feeders


We had a go at willow weaving today to make a bird feeder and it was great fun. The whole team got involved and Mark shared how to make them. There will be a lot of happy garden birds!

The lid for the cold water tank was finished by cutting out the ladder space and adding handles, it should keep some of the leaves and insects from joining us.

The fire was lit and we kept it going all day for warmth, boiling kettles for hot drinks and heating up the beetroot soup for lunch. Sam worked on drilling holes for the bench she's making and finished shaping the legs using the shave horse and draw knife. Pallet wood was split for Kindling and a team effort enabled us to move some of the heavier logs. we had a great day at Heartwood.

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The Heartwood Project

Mark Lloyd & Helen Stringfellow


Location address:

West Wartling Woods


East Sussex

BN27 1RR


Mark mobile: 07961015307

Helen mobile: 07712159410



Correspondence address:
11 Hamilton Close
BN41 2WY

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