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The cold plunge tank is finished


It was with great excitement that the cold water plunging tank was finished on Tuesday. It needed a good clean out and is now filled and ready to use!

Mark chainsawed a fallen tree and it was then axed and we used wheel barrows to move the split logs for storage to season for firewood. Pallets were broken up, de-nailed, sawn and split for kindling and work progressed on the bird box being made.

It was very exciting to notice a few signs that spring is on its way, we found the first bluebell shoots peeping up above the earth, as well as a small patch of Lesser Celandine growing. We will keep our awareness open for more spring stirrings in the woods.

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The Heartwood Project

Mark Lloyd & Helen Stringfellow


Location address:

West Wartling Woods


East Sussex

BN27 1RR


Mark mobile: 07961015307

Helen mobile: 07712159410



Correspondence address:
11 Hamilton Close
BN41 2WY

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