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Planting seeds, wood anemones, elder necklaces and a dead squirrel!


This week we had a fun time, despite the ongoing wet weather! We finished sawing and drilling the 5 bird box kits, which will be put together by the children and young people at Wild Vision Forest School. Wild Vision is a forest school for people with a visual impairment, also run by Helen and Mark.

Whilst we were moving the freshly cut and split logs to the kiln area for seasoning for firewood, we discovered a dead squirrel. We gave it a gentle burial and one of the students made it a cross.

Some of us made elder necklaces and others continued our growing project by sowing aubergine, purple sprouting broccoli and coriander in the poly tunnel. Helen was super excited to see how much the garlic is growing, as well as finding the first wood anemones.

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The Heartwood Project

Mark Lloyd & Helen Stringfellow


Location address:

West Wartling Woods


East Sussex

BN27 1RR


Mark mobile: 07961015307

Helen mobile: 07712159410



Correspondence address:
11 Hamilton Close
BN41 2WY

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