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Planters, chopping boards and a swing seat

This week it's been all about making things. We've been honing our woodworking skills to complete making the planter we started last week. This included putting in the bottom, recycling a piece of pond liner to line the planter and sawing, drilling and fixing supporting struts on the legs. It is now a very sturdy and rustic looking planter. Next week ... the planting!

Sam has been continuing to work on her stool and is now making good progress with the four legs. She has been axing and then using the shave horse to slim and shape them.

The sanding of the three chopping boards has now been complete. They are beautifully smooth to the touch and have been finished with 3 coats of mineral oil to protect them. They are going to be very welcome Christmas gifts.

One of our students is learning how to split wood using a froe and for their first attempt they split a large piece of chestnut which will eventually be a swing seat for adults.

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