On Friday Mark and Helen went over to Copthorne Saw Mill to collect some more planks of wood from, it was kindly donated by Harry Gingell at the mill. Thanks Harry!
Today we unloaded the trailer of wood and planned what we might use it for. Some of it has already been used to make shelving. It was another wonderful dry and sunny day and some of us made the most of it by going for a walk with Barley. We saw some interesting fungi and one of the students enjoyed taking lots of photos.
The final panel of the cold water tank was finished and two of the sides were fixed onto the tank. Some pallet wood was sawn and split to make spacers for the planking to be stored , as well as some for firewood.
The water tap had cracked during the cold spell last week so that was replaced and insulated today and should prevent it from cracking again. It was great to be working together out in the winter sun.