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Happy New Year from Heartwood


We started back for the new year with a day in the cosy poly tunnel as there was a lot of wind and rain to welcome us back!. A major tidy up and continued improvement of the poly tunnel means we now have storage shelving, a door latch and a lot more work space.

Sam continued with the now infamous box bellows project and it will be finished next week - it's looking great. Some of us finished making the boot jacks, which will be delivered to the forest school at West Rise Junior School this week. The children will be delighted to use them. One of the student's made a wooden box made for their new battery sander. Helen sanded and restored a bill hook. This is a traditional tool used for coppicing and snedding. Snedding is where you 'clean' or remove side branches from a piece of timber to create a pole or post.

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The Heartwood Project

Mark Lloyd & Helen Stringfellow


Location address:

West Wartling Woods


East Sussex

BN27 1RR


Mark mobile: 07961015307

Helen mobile: 07712159410



Correspondence address:
11 Hamilton Close
BN41 2WY

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