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Happy birthday and Moving the pig pen


We celebrated in style with a delicious carrot cake as it was one of our client's birthdays today. What could be better than spending your birthday in the sunny woods with great company?

It wasn't all eating cake and swinging on the swing though and we got a big job completed today - moving the pig pen to become the new wood drying shed. This will be super helpful for drying out the split chestnut poles for the next charcoal burning.

We also finished filling in the trench around the polytunnel, split some more chestnut poles, dismantled a table to reuse the wood, peeled another large chestnut pole in preparation for a new work bench and broke up and de-nailed a pallet for firewood. A very productive day!

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The Heartwood Project

Mark Lloyd & Helen Stringfellow


Location address:

West Wartling Woods


East Sussex

BN27 1RR


Mark mobile: 07961015307

Helen mobile: 07712159410



Correspondence address:
11 Hamilton Close
BN41 2WY

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