What a fabulous day! We celebrated the Autumn Equinox and also one of our student's birthdays with homemade pizzas made in the wood fired pizza oven and birthday cake. Absolutely delicious! Everyone made their own pizzas and Mark cooked them with the help of one of our students keeping the pizza oven fire burning. The Autumn Equinox
We were all busy bees and very industrious, working on a range of different activities. These included: wood working jobs like fixing the legs of the oldest chair, pallet breaking and de-nailing the wood so that we could start to build a garden planter. Some of us saw and split the pallet wood for kindling, while others peeled chestnut poles with the new draw knife.
One of our students is working on making some chopping boards, they have taken a lot of sanding but look and feel great- they just need oiling. The campfire was good for us to make our hot drinks and fry the mushrooms for our pizzas. Two of our students are getting very confident and skilful now with fire-making.
There was work needed in Fruit Corner as due to the heavy rain at the weekend, one of the planters had become waterlogged. We drilled drainage holes in the bottom of the planter and this was very effective. We are hoping the leeks have survived their soaking! And finally we planted some more garlic as we are aiming for an earlier crop in the spring.